After attending last Tuesday's Commission meeting it would seem that the Commission holds the view that if you have opinions which differ from the Commissions views you might as well leave town. Commissioner Keating said he understood why Economic Development Director Don Russell referred to the citizens as a "Peanut Gallery" at a previous meeting. I guess he heard from Don that folks in attendance were snickering and talking amongst themselves while he was talking but the Commission couldn't hear them. Keating, who was filling in for the Mayor, further stated that his Wife had brought to his attention "certain websites" in the city which he feels are derogatory and therefore the authors should leave town. When I asked Commissioner Keating if he would name any particular website, he mentioned
this one. (So I guess I got my first negative review.) I have been authoring my opinions here of my views of city politics. I have not used this as a vehicle to make attacks on the character of any individuals or groups. This isn't the first time that the website issue has arose at a meeting. Back during the election I mentioned to the commission that I had signed an ethics agreement with the state as a candidate that I promised not to "sling mud" in essence. And that should I gain the support of any candidate that was slinging mud against my opponents, I would publically repudiate that candidate. The rest of the Commission candidates had signed that same agreement, but when the candidate and his website where he was doing the slinging was brought to their attention the Mayor responded with, "that's an issue for the state, go to ebay and buy something instead." Then when the Phoenix Project was started by the former candidate, and even though he was still in the business of attacking citizens, groups, former candidates and business owners the City had no position on it. In contrast the City has embraced former Candidate Kuplen and his website attacks. Just after Tuesdays meeting the City Manager, City Attorney and Mr. Kuplen all left in the same vehicle. And is it any coincidence that Kuplen was the first to get a grant for "fire damage" to his building before anyone else even new that the state was offering $40,000 to the city for just that purpose? Mr. Kuplen also has a distored view of his contract agreement on that grant. He is to spend 4 times the amount in the next year, not add up receipts for what he has already spent on his property previously. (And if who were wondering, NO, it is not a condition of the grant to have your property taxes paid, which by the way his deliquency dates back to '99 on some properties, for a total to date of
$34,807.05) Now these are facts, not just opinions of fact. I wonder if the Kuplen's would suggest that we all delay payment of our property taxes and use the money instead to improve our properties, since they repeatedly ask us, what have WE done for the city? I would invite you to visit Mr. Kuplen's website and visit it thoroughly. It appears that his opinions are embraced by the city. And pay no attention to the "blatantly false statement" that Kuplen makes about the CAC endorsing his site. He knows this not to be true, it was a second misprint by Michael Glover in the paper.