Fort Scott Bugle

"A Wake-up Call to the Community from one member of the Peanut Gallery."

Thursday, August 04, 2005

"Permission to Address Elected Officials?"

Here is a copy of the proposed new regulations for the public in attendance at City Commission Meetings as presented for consideration by Commissioner Barbara Wood and drafted by the City Attorney...

Welcome to this meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission. By Kansas law city commission meetings are "open to the public." However, they are not"public meetings."
Although it is not required to do so, the city commission may allow for public comments, but the following regulations will apply:

1. The amount of time allotted during a meeting for public comment will be limited to no more than 30 minutes during any meeting.

2. The amount of time allotted to each speaker may be limited.

3. No more than 2 speakers will be allowed to speak on the same topic.

4. A member of the public who desires to speak must sign in and indicate in writing the issue that he/she wishes to address. Once the request to appear before the city commission is completed it will be either assigned to an appearance before the current city commission meeting, the next regular meeting or it may be referred to the appropriate city staff.

5. Comments must be relevant to items on the agenda or items generally under the jurisdiction of the city commission. Comments are limited to agenda items.

6. The speaker must address the city commission from the podium.

7. The speaker may be cut off or removed from the meeting if his/her presentation becomes disruptive.

8. If speakers have signed the roster and provided their name and full addresses and they are unable to appear at the current meeting but still have questions, a written response will be made to questions or requests for information not replied to during the city commission meeting. Any such written response will be provided as soon aspossible.

Fort Scott City Commission
Fort Scott City Hall
1 East 3rd Street
P. 0. Box 151
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701-0151

(and here is a copy of the proposed form you would need to fill out if you wish to address the Commission...)


This form should be completed prior to appearing before the city commission.Your request will be reviewed and one of three recommendations will be made:

1. Appearance before the board at the present meeting.

2. Appearance before the board at the next regular meeting.

3. Referral of your request to the appropriate administrator.

Permission to appear before the city commission at a regular meeting issubject to the following rules:

1. Presentations shall not exceed 10 minutes.

2. Subject matter, other than policy issues, will be referred to the administration.

3. Comments shall be limited to issues and not refer to personalities.

4. Presentations must be in good taste befitting the occasion and the dignity of the board meeting.




Individual or organization (if any) you represent,

Brief explanation of item to be discussed.
(and here are a few articles about a similar situation with another council who passed a similar ordinance, they're a lengthy read but I think very interesting. They cover my sentiments and opinion on the issue exactly, especially these statements...)
"The ability of citizens to state their views about the performance of their elected officials is one of the cornerstones of a free and accountable government. The new rule is a plainly unconstitutional violation of that principle."
"The Constitution does not allow the Council to ban verbal attacks on Council members. It is the duty of elected representatives to listen to their constituents, not silence them."