Fort Scott Bugle

"A Wake-up Call to the Community from one member of the Peanut Gallery."

Thursday, July 07, 2005

"The Entitity?"

At Tuesday's Commission meeting one of the other items on the agenda was approving a Grant application applied for by "the city" on behalf of former Commission Candidate Greg Kuplen and wife Polly for their downtown business. Although the grant was on "the city's" request to the state, it was the first time it was presented to the Commission, at least publicly anyway. Not once during the meeting were they or their business refered to by name, rather they were refered to as, "an entity". Well here is the news release from the Kansas Department of Commerce and Housing, which is public record...
'City of Fort Scott -- $11,962 On behalf of Gregory and Polly Kuplen, dba Main Street Chop House, the City of Fort Scott has requested $11,962 for a direct grant to repair damage from the recent downtown fire. The project includes repair of the roof and replacement of the parapet wall to stop movement of the wall. Private investment is expected to be $35,886."
Mr. Kuplen was at the meeting Tuesday, but had nothing to say about the approval of the grant. Not even so much as a simple Thank-You to the Commission or the public. Yet, if you visit the Kuplen's Websites, they have lot's to say there... ( or, or The Kuplen's have been demeaning citizens of this community since last March. His latest attack is on the organizers of Good Ol' Days. Everyone can have their own opinion on that, but thinking that you can 'Bully" folks into allowing you to serve on a committee is ridiculous. My family and I, as well as other candidates, citizens, business owners and former Commissioner Allen have all been attacked by the Kuplen's during and since the election. It is amusing to see him and his "ethics" so openly embraced by the City and the City Administration. However, whenever presented with reason or substance the Kuplen's counter with the question of all of us "What have YOU done?" Well, you now have an answer for them. Ofcourse then again you already had an answer since the city expended $1,742.26 to them for meals provided to the firemen during the wee hours of March 12, 2005. Don't get me wrong, for the city to provide meals for all of the firefighters who came from out of town and local men and women on the scene it was a great Thank-You gesture from the city, not personally from Greg Kuplen. Remember, "the city" is ALL OF US. The wrong thing is for the Kuplen's to carry on about how much they donated to the cause when in reality they charged for it and were paid for it. A couple of the things on the Kuplen's bill was the donation of a case of sugar packets, as well as clean restrooms. I personally have never left a restaurant and been charged extra for the sugar or creamer I used in my coffee, have you? And isn't it a basic health requirement for restrooms in a public restaurant to be clean? I've never been charged for that either! Part of the Kuplen's contribution was staying up until 3:00 am. I know plenty of people who have stayed up all night working knowing a paycheck is coming, including myself! My point in this story is that after Kuplen's Primary Election defeat he repeatedly warned all voters of the "Good Ol' Boy Network" that "The Master-Manipulator" (Commissioner Kevin Allen) Sought to establish with "his picks" AKA: "Six-Pack Tom", "Kathy Prancer", "Jim Who." It seems to me that he himself has joined the "Good Ol' Boy Network" that already exists at City Hall. So anyway, since this news appeared on the TV, and the internet, (OTHER THAN HIS SITE,) it still has had no mention in the local paper or at the televised Commission meeting, so I am revealing to all taxpayers of this City and State who deserve a Thank-You just what "Entity" you can expect it from.