Fort Scott Bugle

"A Wake-up Call to the Community from one member of the Peanut Gallery."

Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Could you see through that window at Newman-Young?"

In their apology to the press and public the City stated that “no discussion” was held regarding possible uses for the Newman-Young Clinic, when they met there secretly. However, the next evening John Keating stated that the City Manager, (while touring the clinic) said that he’s never had an office with a window.

So that’s it!!!! The City Manager has been in the recesses of Memorial Hall for the past 14 years without a view! He’s been kept in the Dark about everything! Maybe that’s why he gets by with the “he told me so” routine when confronted with managerial errors. I guess without a window he can’t see what’s wrong, and staff informs him that everything is “all right.” Poor fella.

Isn’t there a clear view through the windshield of that City van which he has at his disposal 24/7? How can he not see the condition of the city, especially the streets as he drives around town? Can’t he at least “feel” them? Then again when fuel, maintenance and repairs are all provided by the public it might not be so obvious to him. Perhaps if he had to pay for the new shocks every few months on the City van he might notice.

At the vision retreat the Nalbanians asked Commissioner Wood what is the biggest thing she would like to accomplish during her term. She stated something to the effect of “getting out of the hole.” -One might assume she was speaking about the budget, a deficit or lack of economic development. Nope. When asked to clarify she said she felt that City Hall being in the basement of Memorial Hall was like a “Rabbit Hole.” She would like to have a new City Hall. I have to wonder why? The Commission only meets there 2 times a month, and the shorter the meetings the better according to them.

In the budget tax money was earmarked for ADA upgrades to City Hall. Where are we at with that? Where are we at with the rest of the budget line items? Where are the Capital improvement projects around town and how are they going now that we’re done with the theater parking lot and the airport? Are there too many of our public works employees tied up mowing the Housing Authority properties?

So what if we were offered “use” of the Newman-Young for City Offices? It’s still going to cost money. Take the Trolley for example. Free Trolley? Just how “free” is all that gas that’s bought for it to run around town 4 times a day with no one riding it? Is Westar or Kansas Gas going to light, heat and cool the new offices for “free”? I don’t believe so.

I wonder if the Commission will weigh the pro’s and con’s of moving City offices to the Clinic, and if they will do it publicly and allow public opinion? It is after all “we the people” who will be footing the bill. But they weren't too receptive to public input when the budget hearings were held.

I hope next election season we will see candidates willing to work and serve the community instead of commissioners who are only willing to reserve a few hours a month to sit as figure heads and ceremonially rubber stamp whatever Richard Nienstedt brings before them. That was another thing about the visioning meeting that really stood out to me. Each Commissioner stated that what they liked about the visioning get-together was the fact that they finally got to hear what was on each others minds. Who‘s fault is that? They could be doing that at EVERY Commission meeting. Discussion of the issues. Identify what’s working and what’s not. Establish Policy and give direction to the manager. There are numerous issues Fort Scott is facing. That’s not being negative it is simply a fact.
The Commission was informed nearly 2 years ago by Senator Barrone that it was time for them to make a decision on the 69 bypass. The Phoenix has yet to rise from the ashes. Our biggest public improvement projects apparently have serious problems. Downtown and the rest of the City infrastructure is deteriorating at an alarming rate. So why not begin meeting weekly to face these issues and “be the messengers” to the manager? Identify problem areas, come to an agreeable solution, give him direction and expect results. That’s what you were elected to do, and that's what he was hired to do.