Fort Scott Bugle

"A Wake-up Call to the Community from one member of the Peanut Gallery."

Friday, September 02, 2005

Was the FTA "taken for a ride" with Dolly the Trolley?

Decide for yourself with this "Dolly the Trolley" Timeline...
(compiled from Public Record and other published sources.)

July 29, 2001 -from the Pittsburg Morning Sun

Fort Scott recently requested a federal grant to purchase a new vehicle to enhance the current tourism-oriented trolley service. There are also three agencies in Fort Scott providing general public transportation.
"It's come about out of a need that we see for our employers to help get people to work, especially out in the industrial park," explained Fort Scott City Manager Richard Nienstedt. "You'd be surprised at the number of residents in Fort Scott who find it a challenge every day to find a way to get to work."
FY2002 House Transportation Appropriations Act includes money which could be used to establish a fixed-route bus service connecting lower-income areas of Fort Scott to employment opportunities, Nienstedt explained.
If funding is approved, routes could also be established to provide access to Fort Scott Community College, medical facilities and various historical sites.
The service will be an expansion of the existing trolley service with a designated route on a set schedule. However, Nienstedt said the city has not yet discussed details such as cost of the service. Although he prefers a trolley to match the existing historic theme of the service, Nienstedt said the city would also consider a van. "We will explore all alternatives," he said. As planning continues, Nienstedt said "the city would be happy to sit down with any agencies or employers that are interested in creating a partnership to provide better transportation."

May 7, 2002
City Commission passed resolution 21-2002 Authorizing the request for funding from the Federal Government to establish a public transportation service.
*note that the actual request wasn't approved until 10 months after it was stated to the Sun by City Manager.

June 4, 2002
The Federal Transit Authority (FTA) requests additional information from the City about the needs and purpose of the grant.

June 18, 2002
City Manager reports that a "Certificate of Assurances" has been issued from the City to the FTA.

July 2, 2002
City receives $500 contribution toward new trolley purchase from Walmart.

August 6, 2002 -City Commission Minutes

1. Trolley Grant Update - Richard U. Nienstedt, City Manager informed the Commission that official notice has been received from the U.S. Department of Transportation that the City of Fort Scott has been awarded $297,009 towards the purchase of a trolley. Chance Coach has given a bid of $259,302.00. There is a 25% match required in order to receive 100% of the grant. Currently there is a trolley balance in the amount of $14,974.32 from fundraisers. There is a remaining $22,399.60 to be raised. The Chamber of Commerce is working on raising these monies through various fundraisers. In the past when the previous trolley was purchased, the City had an agreement with the Chamber where the City went ahead and used City funds and the Chamber reimbursed the City when the funds were received. City Manager said the Commission needed to accept the award, authorize the Mayor to sign all pertinent documents, and execute an agreement with the Chamber for the City to go ahead and use City funds for the purchase of the trolley and the Chamber to reimburse the City. O'Neal moved to accept the award in the amount of $297,009. Keating seconded. All voted aye.
APPROVED ACCEPTING TROLLEY AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $297,009. O'Neal moved to authorize the Mayor to sign all pertinent documents in regard to the Trolley. Keating seconded. All voted aye.

August 20, 2002
FTA Officials come to Fort Scott and ride the trolley.

September 17, 2002
City Attorney presents resolution for the City to Authorize the receipt of trolley funds from the FTA.

October 1, 2002
City Attorney postpones presentation of Trolley Loan agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and the City.

October 16, 2002
City Attorney presents Trolley Loan Agreement between the City and Chamber and it is approved by the Commission.

December 3, 2002
Economic Development director introduces proposed "Public Transportation Route" to Commissioners and states that "feedback from the Public and Businesses will be considered."
Chamber Executive Director reports that a profit of $1,475 had been acquired by selling 500 dozen donuts and the proceeds will be applied to the Chamber portion of the trolley cost. Economic Development Director states that advertisement for the sale of the old trolley will begin soon.

January 7, 2003
Sale of the Old Dolly the Trolley to Abilene Kansas approved for the amount of $21,000.
(Abilene purchased the Trolley and spent an additional $7,000 to have local carpenter's and public works employees fix it back up and put it in service for tourism. Total investment, $28,000.)

- Discussion was also held regarding the new Trolley and the difference of the definition of public transportation between the F.T.A. and the City of Fort Scott. The City is wanting to run the public transportation route every morning and every evening. The F.T.A. believes it should be run when needed. City officials are discussing this issue with the F.T.A.
-excerpt from Commission minutes, 1-7-03

January 21, 2003
City Manager informed the Commission that he has been contacted by a member of the Chamber who believes that the Chamber should be given a portion of the money received from the sale of the trolley to the City of Abilene. City Manager said he would have a list complied of expenditures that the City paid for and see how that compares to the amount that was given for the Trolley. He and Mr. Emry will meet soon on this issue. They will also
discuss how the trolley is funded and if changes should be made.

February 4, 2003
Economic Development director reports that no one has ridden the Trolley for "public transportation" as of this date. Commissioner Allen questions lowering the price from $2 to $1.

April 15, 2003
It is again reported that no public riders have used the trolley to date. Price is lowered to $1.
City Manager states: "Adjustments to the Trolley Tourism Route may be made and used for public transportation route."

May 6, 2003
Chamber makes formal request for half of the trolley sale proceeds. Lengthy discussion ensues, it is reported by the City Manager that 2 riders have utilized the trolley for public transportation to date. Finance Director reports that Chamber has paid $15,500 on their portion of new trolley to date. Commissioner Allen states that he "didn’t believe the old trolley was as in as bad shape as people thought."

August 19, 2003
Chamber of Commerce returns to commission meeting to again request 1/2 of the Trolley proceeds from the sale of the old trolley. Request is tabled at the suggestion of Commissioner Allen.

September 2, 2003
PSU requests use of trolley for October homecoming, Commission grants request.

October 21, 2003
Commission approves giving sale proceeds of $10,500 to the Chamber, with terms that Chamber will continue to raise proceeds to pay off debt on new trolley.

December 16, 2003
Chamber returns to commission to "give" $11,115.69 to pay-off remaining debt on new trolley. Mayor Hedges thanks them for their hard work*.
* note that the chamber had just been given $10,500 from the city 2 months prior, and if you add up the amounts stated to have been previously paid by the Chamber for their portion of the debt, they "overpaid" the city by about $6,900.00

September 7, 2004
City Manager states that Chamber receives all proceeds from the Trolley while the city maintains it and pays all expenses.

October 21, 2004
Chamber presents $544 to city to help with trolley expenses.

February 12, 2005
Chamber Director and Economic Development Director do interview about trolley...

"We were obligated to offer it as a public service," Emry said. "We offered it at a reasonable rate. It was a buck to get on and ride it."
But after about a year and a half, only a handful of people had used the trolley for routine transportation around town. "It just wasn't feasible," said Emry.

Russell said, "It just didn't work." People wanting basic transportation didn't want to sit through a tour of the city, he said.
Emry said the Fort Scott trolley now provides basic transit rides in the community only on an as-needed basis.
That meets federal requirements while the trolley's focus remains on transporting tourists.

Link to full article:

August 4, 2005
City receives phone call from FTA questioning use of grant funds for tourism instead of intended purpose. City reinstates Public Transportation route. FTA requests documentation to be provided.

August 29, 2005
Letter sent from FTA to Economic Development Director stating in part "this bus was not utilized for it's intended purpose according to Fort Scott's application for federal assistance." and it's operation as a tour bus is "in violation of the Federal Transportation Administration's grant purpose, which was to implement general public transportation." Mileage documentation of tourism use requested and new service life established by FTA.

Now for my opinion...

Do I feel that the Chamber should have a historic looking, tourism oriented trolley? YES, absolutely. It is one of the few attractions for tourists, however we already had one, and we could have done like the city of Abilene did, utilize local business to improve it. The Chamber still could do as Abilene has done by being financially responsible and finding another.

Should the City have used the federal funds for their intended purpose? YES. And that could have been done too by purchasing passenger vans and running a route to appropriate locations at appropriate times. Workers who start their shift in the Industrial Park, or the Hospital and Great West probably won't be hopping on the 8:00 or 9:00am trolley at the Chamber office. Wonder how many passenger vans and gas could have been purchased with nearly $300,000? Passenger vans can still be purchased and transportation provided to workers, especially now in this time of astronomical gas prices.

Through the documented facts above, I arrive at the conclusion that the City Manager,Economic Development director and Chamber never really intended to do anything other than aquire the Federal Funding and place Dolly in the hands of the Chamber, instead of the grants intended purpose of Public Transportation. The attitude that we have often heard from the City concerning grants is "if we don't get it someone else will!" But the reality is that someone else just might actually need it.


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